Thursday, March 6, 2014

Underage and Obvious Consequences.

Ok so here it goes- Santa Lucia is a restaurant here in Fargo, North Dakota.
They failed a compliance check for serving alcohol.
The reason?  It's unbelievable.

Do you know what's more unbelievable?  The owner wants the fines for failing waived
because her servers weren't "trained" how to use a calculator to determine age!

Read this article for yourself... it's just scary!


The city of Fargo refused to waive her fines.  Gee... I wonder why?  I laughed remembering
that the servers couldn't use a calculator to determine a patron's age... and as it stands- they never needed one!  Underage ID's are OBVIOUSLY DIFFERENT LOOKING from someone is of age...
Ok- now I really can't stop laughing.

Read the continuation.. seriously... this is good.  YAY

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