Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Child Protection Services and Department of Human Services (A Broken System Part Duex)

I have wondered for a long time... why is it that children are taken away from good families all the time and yet the people who are actually beating children bloody- breaking bones- raping them- those are the people who are allowed to keep their children?

When I was a teenager I was placed in a foster home.  I do not know what agency ran it. It was a long time ago.  My foster parents were church going people.  They were farmers and all in all decent people.  HOWEVER, they did employ a hired hand.  I was 15- he had the bedroom upstairs next to mine, and he was on his own account a child molester.  He bragged to me many times in the barn about sleeping with the other girls that had been before me.  Being afraid of my stern foster parents, I said nothing.  I should have said something.  Had my mother not raised me with a half a brain- I probably would have been his next victim.  I instead locked my door each night and pretended I was asleep when he knocked in the early morning hours.

My own daughter is now looking at possible foster care.  This terrifies me greatly.  This puts her deeper into a system that I believe is undeniably BROKEN.  Who will protect her if I am not there?  She is only a child- not even a teenager as I was.

I have seen CPS/DHS take children away from good parents.  I have seen abusers have their children returned to them time and again.  I know of children personally who were potty trained when they were taken by CPS and returned with issues as if they had never been trained at all... some of them were over the age of 8.

My children are blond hair and blue eyes... according this article the most sought after children by CPS to take are.

Sites like this make me sick... it's like looking at a mall for a new shirt... only it's kids.  What I want you to notice is this is another site entirely- this one "advertising children".  Please notice that children are listed as Caucasian.  But if they have blond hair and blue eyes- that is noted... so do the other children have green eyes and dark hair?  I think this just reinforces that our blond hair and blue eye babies are more desirable and salable to CPS/DHS

CPS a friend of the court not the family.  The sound is not great... but I think it gets the point across well.

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