Thursday, March 6, 2014

Welcome to Adulthood Sweetheart.

Oh my word- I shouldn't be allowed to read the news.... stupid is abundant!
With that I bring you.... young "adult" stupidity....

Ok- so let's just give you the gist as the parents see it... then we will have some fun.
Daughter refuses to follow house rules.  You know, clean up after yourself be polite.
I imagine this conversation followed.

Parental Units:   "If you don't want to follow our rules~ you don't have to live here, but as long as you do live here, you follow them."

Daughter:  "I'm 18 and I can do what I want!  I'm leaving!"

Ok- so they didn't technically throw her out- she had an option right?  She moves out and moves in with her friend.

Now- let's take it from her side:

Parental Units:  "You don't like our rules???  GET OUT!  We don't WANT YOU HERE!"

Daughter:  "I am just going to go live at my friends!  You are SOOOO MEAN!"

According to the article- she says she was thrown out, they say she left of her own volition.  She left 2 days before she turned 18.

Does this matter?  Well not in a "normal" person's perspective.  She was nearly 18- so kick the birdie out of the nest.  Big deal....???  Yes.....  let me explain further.

Said Daughter has not taken parents to court to sue for.... get this....


Not only that but she wants her private school tuition paid, and college as well!


I thought about this- I think I have a solution.

First- she wants child support of $654 a week.  She was only technically a "child" for two days.
So $654 a week / 7 days in a week * those 2 days  = $186.86

That covers child support.

Now we have the question of Private School Tuition.  The parents paid that through December, she left their home in October.  So they have paid that 2 months AFTER she turned 18.  Solution?  Sweetheart, either get a job or go to public school for the last half of your senior year.  Your other option is to go kiss your parent's butts hard and move back home!

College?  Get a loan like the rest of us.  Then get that job to pay for it.

Being emancipated isn't easy now is it???

Oh- and if you are wondering about who's paying the lawyer... well that particular idiot is her friend's father.... and he has her suing for court costs too.

Welcome to the real world.

Article found at:

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