Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Death of the English Language


And so many more....

It's hard to recognize the English language anymore.  Not only has "Geek Speak" taken over, but because of it, hardly anyone can spell a darned thing.

The English language is on a respirator people!  What hasn't been killed by "Geek Speak", is being maimed by the people who no longer no how to form a sentence without cursing.  Here are just a few words that used to be perfectly clean but no longer are:

Bitch:  Female Dog
Cock:  A Male Rooster
Dork:  A whale's penis

The worst part is, our children do not feel any pride in their education!  They do not care to learn how to spell, they know nothing of grammar, and they don't feel that they can defend themselves verbally without entering into a cursing contest.

Here's an example of what I mean, the following is a word for word copy of a literary conversation held between two people that truly happened.
Jon H  This lady is a horder!
Jon H the lady we bought a sowing mechin from

The A hoarder, sewing, machine.

Jon H what ever u probly had to use a dictionary

The A no Jonny, there are some of us who can spell. I am one of them. I can spell things that aren't in the dictionary (not the English one anyways) too. I speak a little Latin, and a little Spanish. I am just a good speller, and if you worked on it you could be too. :)

Jon H liar u dont know how to spell horder i got it from microsoft word so im right not harder with a o and like am the same age as u ur like 30 so just beacuse u look up words in the dictionary dosent make u a genious and beacuse i didnt spell it right u dont have to rub it in my face!!!

The A Hoarder.... Microsoft can't spell everything....

Jon H whatever... i dont argue with people that are 3 times my age

The A Quit being lazy and get a dictionary... nevermind since you are being a snot and assuming you know more then I here is the dictionary spelling AND definition.

hoard /hɔrd, hoʊrd/ Show Spelled
[hawrd, hohrd] 
...1. a supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for preservation, future use, etc.: a vast hoard of silver.
–verb (used with object)
2. to accumulate for preservation, future use, etc., in a hidden or carefully guarded place: to hoard food during a shortage.
–verb (used without object)
3. to accumulate money, food, or the like, in a hidden or carefully guarded place for preservation, future use, etc.

Hoarder: noun
un·hoard·ed, adjective 
—Can be confused: hoard, horde.

    Me A You'll see at the bottom Horde, can be confused with the word you were trying Microsoft Microsoft made a mistake, it can not spell everything.Are you done being a snot to the person who was trying to help you now? Or shall I give you more and BETTER references then to trust spellcheck?

    Jon H wow ur real cool... and at least im not 30 and go around calling people snots way to be metchoure
    The A I am not thirty either, and it is mature.
    The A Which I could spell at SEVEN so how about taking some pride in your education and learning something? You go to school, pay attention.
    Jon H oooh u got me
    The A  I think you had best go and study now.... those video games truly are rotting your little brain.... now I do love you cousin, but sometimes you can be pretty thick.

    Jon H oooh ur cool do u need to pick on people that are 3 times younger just shut up and quit posting on my wall
    The A I am not picking on you, simply correcting your spelling. Ok maybe I picked on you a little, but really Jonny, you are on a computer with a FREE online dictionary, and you still thought you could use spellcheck? It can't even tell when a person uses the wrong form of too/two/to. It will tell you that it was spelled correctly, even if it is the wrong word. If you learned anything here, I hope it was to use your head or get a dictionary, don't trust spellcheck.

    Jon H i told u to just shut up and quit posting on my wall

    The A Yes Jonny, those who can spell well, can also read. I ignored you. You like to point out that I am older then you, well listen to your elders and remember we don't have to listen to you. But I do have better things to do with my time, so adios!

    Jon H i told u to just shut up and quit posting on my wall wow u idiot stop means no more type on jons wall
    The A You do know you would sound smarter if you could spell. And I did stop posting until this "idiot" remark. But as long as I am here, there are many, many other spelling errors I left unmentioned. I never commented at all to argue with you. Only to point out your errors so that you may learn something. But I see learning is not one of your abilities.
    Jon H i dont want to learn something i want u to quit posting on my wall. qll my friends are going to be like whos the faggot who keeps posting on your wall

    The A Why do you even bother to post the word "faggot"? Not only is it rude and obnoxious, but why would or should I care what your friends think? If you really wanted me to stop, you would quit attacking a person so that they don't feel an urge to defend themselves. And like I said before, clearly you don't want to learn.
    Jon H i dont u just get so much from makeing fun of me so quit dont post more just stop

    The A Now since you have affirmed my belief that the real reason you want me to stop posting is because I can prove you wrong at every turn without resorting to swearing, I will leave. But you get one more lesson. Advance your vocabulary beyond swearing and you will sound smarter and have earned much more respect. You don't sound like a bada$$ just a dumba$$.

    While I will admit the above conversation is a bit petty, it does prove my point well.  He is 11 years old.  I am late 20's.  He cares nothing that he butchers the English language, and there is nothing that frustrates me more then bad spelling and then to defend yourself using insults that really, just don't apply. 

    Please people let's get the English Language off the respirator and show the importance of good grammar.

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