Monday, November 15, 2010

Am I Just Too Old?

  I have been raised to believe that a woman should never admit her age.  In today's society though, that doesn't seem to matter.  Everyone is made of plastic anyways.  I read an article recently that stated girls as young as 13 years old are having plastic surgery.

  Well here it is, I am 27.  But I am far from your normal 27 year old.  The average 27 year old girl is caught up in drinking, partying, very few are like me with a husband and kids.  And out of that few, I believe myself to be truly unique.  I crochet blankets, baby items, potholders for our home, I have sewn all the curtains in our home, I cook all the meals, and when my children rip their clothes, I do not simply throw them away, I repair them.  I have even once in a while performed what my daughter calls surgery.  When a stuffed animal has a ripped seam, I repair them while she holds their paw to comfort them.  Little did I know when my mother taught me to sew, that I would become a stuffed animal surgeon in the future.  I learned to crochet from my grandmother.  My father liked silent movies.  I am the only 27 year old I have ever known who watches silent films, and can even name all FOUR (yes there were 4) of the Marx Brothers.  Even with the help of Bugs Bunny Cartoons most people my age are hard-pressed to name Groucho Marx.  It seems that girls my age are only interesed in drinking and partying.  The only ones I know who are remotely interested in family values are the ones who (gasp) got pregnant outside of marraige.
  Like me, my husband is also a bit of an oddball.  Looking around, all the 30 year olds we know wish to do nothing more then play video games, and work a part time job.  But he searches for work that supplies benefits,  even such a thing as a union.  (I am absolutely amazed at how little people know about what a union really is!)  He's a mechanic as a hobby, he's a great handyman, he did the electrical in our home, he bakes, and he cleans.  What's more is he believes that I should be an at home wife.

  It seems that in today's society, old fashioned values and common courtesy is dead.  But even more so then that is the ability to take care of one's self.  To do your own repairs, and to be home with your family.  Are we just too old for the times?  What happened to learning something from your family, a hobby, a skill, even knowledge?

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