Saturday, October 14, 2023

Our Current Society is a Lost Society

 Proposed Situation

20 year old biological female.

Female identifies as male, goes by alternate name.  (Not a legal name, so it's an alias)

This is accepted by society as normal.  She is treated even by government agents as a male, and the alias as his name.  (Let's call him Paul)

Paul gets pregnant.  Paul has a child.  Paul is unmarried, and the father chooses to fight for custody.  Paul does not want the baby's father to get custody and chooses to hide from him. Thanks to society accepting random gender changes and random names being acceptable....  Paul is only known as Paul and a male.

Paul takes the baby, and flees the state.  When Paul arrives in the new state, he immediately starts identifying as a female and a new alias is created.

As a society- we have wronged our children, and made it so much easier to kidnap children or otherwise vanish them.  Because anyone, at any time, can just become.... someone else, and we must all just accept them for who/what they simply claim to be.