Wednesday, January 24, 2018


     I have an organization addiction- probably has something to do with my OCD.  But there's a side issue with it.  There are so many forms of organization that I wish to follow.... and try to that I get overwhelmed and my Panic Disorder kicks in...
    So this year I started a bullet journal- I thought it would be awesome and for a lot of reasons it is... but then there is the side effect... if I make a mistake in my journal.... like a pen smear- a crooked line... than there is the OCD rearing it's head telling me to for the love of everything that is holy start a whole new journal... you messed this one up and there's NO CHANCE of recovering!
     I also have gone back to regular journaling each evening as a way to try to relieve stress.  That seems to be helping.  I really need to be working on my self care as well.  I spend so much time trying to take care of other people that I am personally suffering....  a lot.